Ayurvedic diet For Kidney Patients in proteinuria

What is proteinuria? How does it affect kidneys?

Proteinuria is a severe medical disorder where there is a loss of protein from the blood that can damage a person’s health. If a person loses more protein than normal while urinating, they find themself to be at a higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease. When this happens, doctors term this condition as Proteinuria.

As kidney function decreases, large amounts of proteins can spill into the urine. Healthy kidneys only allow fluid and small molecules. The presence of excessive amounts of protein in the urine is an indication of kidney damage.

Human blood has protein in it and should allow only small amounts into the urine. If the glomeruli (filters in kidneys) are damaged in some way, it may cause an excessive protein to be released into the urine.

What are the symptoms of Proteinuria?

There are no clear signs and symptoms in the early stages or mild cases. But it may get worse with time and a person suffering from proteinuria may notice these symptoms-

  • Urinating more often
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle cramps at night
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling in hands, feet, belly and face
  • Stomach upset and constant vomiting
  • Foamy urine

What causes proteinuria?

Some common things that can cause Proteinuria are-

  1. Inflammation
  2. Low blood pressure
  3. Intense activity
  4. Kidney stones
  5. High stress
  6. Dehydration
  7. Very low temperatures

Diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure that can damage a person’s kidneys can also end up in having too much protein in the urine.

Diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure that can damage a person’s kidneys can also end up in having too much protein in the urine.

  • Immune disorders such as lupus
  • Kidney cancer
  • Heart failure
  • A blood cancer called multiple myeloma
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Preeclampsia, which affects pregnant women

Are there any risk factors in Proteinuria?

Things that can make a person more likely to have protein in their urine include:

  • Age of over 65 years
  • A family history of kidney disease
  • Obesity

How many types does proteinuria have?

Proteinuria can be of these types-

  • Transient proteinuria: Some people may have periodic protein in their urine. Such kind of a situation may arise during pregnancy or after heavy exercise. If a person’s urine lab test shows greater than 150 mg of protein, they should get another test done to check if it shows signs of transient proteinuria and consult a doctor.
  • Persistent proteinuria: It is the most serious type of proteinuria. If more than one test indicates high levels of protein in a person’s urine, they should see their doctor immediately.
  • Orthostatic proteinuria: some people may experience more protein in their urine while standing than while lying down. Such a condition is known as Orthostatic proteinuria. It is also known as Postural Proteinuria. It is not a condition that is caused by kidney disease.

How is proteinuria diagnosed ?

A urine test (urinalysis) determines the amount of protein in a person’s urine. The person is made to submit a sample of their urine. A lab technician will then dip in a stick with chemicals on the end of it. If the stick happens to change its color, it’s a clear sign of excessive protein. The person might need to get more than one test done in order to ascertain for how long the protein is actually present in their urine.

In order to double check, the technician will also look at the urine sample under a microscope. This is to make sure that red and white blood cells, crystals and bacteria are not present in the urine which hint at possible kidney damage.

If the doctor suspects kidney damage, then the person might need to get some other tests done. They are-

  • Blood tests: These are conducted in order to check the functioning of the kidneys by measuring certain chemicals.
  • Imaging tests: Modern technology allows for CT scans and ultrasounds that can spot kidney stones, tumors or other elements that may have blocked the kidneys.
  • A kidney biopsy: A small sample of kidney tissue is taken and studied under the microscope.

Foods to avoid for people having proteinuria:

Since most of the protein is lost through urine during Proteinuria, there is a clear decrease in the body’s overall protein levels. That is why it is advised to consume more protein and limit the following-

  • Avoid consuming carbohydrates in excess
  • Do not have saturated fats
  • Avoid having semi-cooked and canned foods
  • Avoid foods that are rich in sodium, potassium and magnesium
  • Stay away from allopathic medicines and drugs

How is proteinuria treated?

To control proteinuria or its underlying causes, the following treatments can be made use of-

  • Diuretics
  • Dietician consultation and a healthy meal plan
  • Low-protein diet
  • Low-sodium diet
  • Treatment for any chronic conditions

Ayurveda treatment for proteinuria

The best approach towards proteinuria is Ayurveda. The Ayurveda treatment for proteinuria is a natural, simple, and most risk-free alternative. It involves simple techniques and ensures the best results in the shortest period.

Ayurveda makes use of natural herbs that do not have any complications in them. Unlike other alternatives of treatment, Ayurveda does not have side effects on the body of the patient.

It is highly recommended to make use of these simple techniques to gain quick results. These require basic modification in lifestyle habits and an emphasized diet for proteinuria patients in Ayurveda. These may include

  • Lifestyle changes: These may include losing weight, exercising more, and quitting smoking.
  • A special diet: Ayurvedic diet for kidney patients with Proteinuria includes a kidney-friendly diet low in minerals and protein for patients with proteinuria that may help manage kidney problems.
